Thursday, September 30, 2010


I think I've talked about this before, but sometimes I find myself confusing life in Australia with life in London. Sometimes I think about a biscuit or a shop and I won't be able to remember which country it was in.

It's hard to describe, but I remember for a good year of living in London, I'd always talk about Australia as being home. I'd talk about things back home, life back home, biscuits back home. I'd long for a pasty or a bottle of Solo. I'd actually physically miss these things. And then one day, home changed. I'd be returning from a holiday and suddenly, I couldn't wait to be home in London.

I've always thought it was a bad thing, a sad thing, to be a person whose home was a part of two countries, or even three or four. I always thought they felt misplaced, not quite belonging anywhere; a bit here, a bit there. I always thought I wouldn't want that to be me. But now, somehow, it is me. And I think it's ok.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel that way about Queensland and Adelaide. Like I belong in both places at once.