Sunday, February 24, 2008

Snot good

Cultural difference number 46: Pantene is pronounced Panten. Weird.

In other news I have been sick again. Cold number 4 in the past 2 months. So many germs, so little time. I seriously think that if the world suffered some superbug type thing. Ok, so it has, let me re phrase that, if I was subjected to some kind of superbug I'd definitely be the first to go. I feel weak and disappointed. I am a healthy person. I run. Yes, I get a stitch and can't seem to go past the 30 minute mark, but still, dammit, I sweat and get sore knees. I eat my recommended 5 servings of fruit and veg a day. Why am I at the top of the list for being wiped out? I think I might blame my mother. I am a child of an older woman. While I am more likely to be a genius (1. left handed 2. born to a woman over the age of 40 3. can't remember the third reason), I feel like I am slightly defected in the immune and sporting categories. Wait, I think the latter is my Asian genes. Ok, I'm just susceptible to germs. Do you know what I hate too? People commenting on you always being sick. Like you hadn't noticed that you've blown half of your body weight out in snot for the past 3 days.

I think I'm going to be one of those old people that glares at the young folk and tries to run people over in their old personmobile.

I'm sleepy.

Oh, I booked to go see the New York City Ballet, I can't wait!! I decided that I would go have a me moment and see the ballet on my own. I've been wanting to see them since 1996! Yay!

Ok, I'm going to bed. Excitement over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, this is something I totally would've come to see with you... When are you going? Can I turn your me moment into a we moment?