Thursday, May 03, 2007

Number 23

The funniest/saddest/most plain stupid thing happened today. I signed up to the local library so I could use the internet. And, as part of the sign up, I had to choose from a laminated A4 sheet what ethnic group I was. Let me tell you, there was quite a choice. Even for a chongbonger like myself. So as someone who is part white part asian (I kid you not, this is how I was catergorised) I can now consider myself a number 23. It's so clear now. Identity crisis over. Bloody hell.


Anonymous said...

Fear not Chongbonger Twenty-three,
Your secret weapon shall keep you sound.
Librarians beware,
this part-Samurai will not be bound
By some dichotomous key
To the human potpourri!

Anonymous said...

I think all the numbers after 20 are terrorist threats. tp

TravellerCass said...

You know, there is a whole movie about you starring Jim Carrey called, wait for it, the Number 23. Stunning, no?
Great to hear things are going gangbusters for you! See you in August!

Anonymous said...

What the...Next they will be telling you that you can only read books written by fellow number 23's. Is the world regressing or am I just so far behind everyone eles. If you get the chance can you find out what half greek, half welsh people are - just for my childrens future reference. Nic