Tuesday, February 09, 2010

People who end their emails with an initial

So, like most things in my life, I started off in awe of this new thing I'd learned. It was in my first job and my kind of boss was called Sara. She used to sign off all her emails saying 'thanks, S'. I thought it was so, so clever. So working girl. What was this innovative and quick way of signing off emails? As someone with seven letters to type, I was blown away with this new world that working had opened my eyes to. However, I never thought I could adopt it as a practice of my own. Sure, I was even called 'V' as a nickname so I was pretty much entitled to it, but I couldn't, for I decided it was as uncomfortable fit as me suddenly calling people 'sweetie'.

In my second job, I learned the sign off 'cheers'. Cheers? I'd never heard of it as an email ending. It was so casual, yet friendly. So new age. Fuck 'regards' I thought, 'cheers' is the new way forward and it was, until I realised it was stupid.

So my new life rules are:

I will accept email endings with an initial if you have a first letter that ends in 'ee' so G, B, D etc. However, if you are an S, H, A etc, and use the afore mentioned letters as an ending to your correspondence with me, I will roll my eyes and internally ridicule you. If you choose to ignore my personal and, of course, ridiculous wrath, simply take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and then repeat your prohibited initial fifty times.


Nicky H said...

That’s harsh!!! How dare you be so prejudice to all those letters in the alphabet who don’t have an ‘ee’ sound. Stuff your self professed rules of email etiquette; I fight for the rights of letters everywhere!!!!



Joel spelt with a Y said...

Can I end my emails with a 'Y'?

Oh thats right, I never send you emails...

BUT, if I can end my email with a Y then i'll send you a heartwarming message like, every 2 months or something.

Wood said...

Yoel you could sign your email off as donkey arse and I'd still be in shock of actually getting an email from you. I'll even let you signed off Y, but then again, I might be mistake that for you asking me 'why' to something in a new age way.

Wood said...

Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. You have a perfectly lovely name that you are bastardising with your 'fighting for rights'.

Hey Lady! said...

As someone with 7 letters in their name and no nickname I can say the single letter signiture is a time saver. I would never want to be called by that letter, but in email it's okay.

In actuality there is no need to sign emails at all, we know who wrote it.