Friday, February 27, 2009

I don't really have anything of value to say

But I need to write something.

I need to because I'm lazy.
Because I sometimes hate my meaningless job and need to use one of my few skills for something that doesn't involve tv's or phones or shoes.
I need to because it makes me better, and I need to be better.
I hate that work has made the phrase 'be better' into something that makes me want to have a little vom in my mouth.

So there, that's something.


Anonymous said...

Ohh my confused little asianscottishaustralianlondon living friend...this will cheer you up...I FINALLY found the recipe for the biscotti you had at my house. Check your e-mail!!!!!xopalma-rama

Anonymous said...

Maybe rather doing things because you think you need to Be Better (TM), you should worry about doing the things that make you Feel Better. If writing outside of work is one of them, then great. If not, don't push it. Especially if it makes you feel like you have nothing of value to say. We all know this isn't true.

I am coming to your house now. Well, soon... I have no shoes or socks on and it feels quite cold outside. x

Anonymous said...

My little woody friend, do not despair. Work sucks, yes, but your contribution to humanity at large is astounding. Who else can I rely on for a poo story? I mean, can you imagine if you wrote those down??
Big hugs, VM. Wish I could do it in person