Thursday, February 26, 2009

Could have, would have. Didn't know.

The reoccurring thought/slight panic came back to me again the other day; have I missed my calling? Instead of it being on the ski fields and me being some kind of Olympic skier, this time it was while I was watching the Oscars. It came to me, quite startlingly, I could have been a cinematographer, a scout locater or even a documentary maker. Here I was, wasting my time with advertising, when I could be gallivanting around the globe looking for the perfect toilet for a Jackie Chan fight scene. It's so unfair that we're made to choose what we want to do for life at 16/17; an age where I still actually harbored some kind of hope for marrying Dean Cain. I know, I know, I'm still young, but the thought of starting again when I've only just begun is daunting and un motivating. But I think about the things we could of tried and dreamed about earlier on if we had been made more aware of them when we were more willing to try, no matter what.


Unknown said...

It's never too late to change your mind...

It just makes it harder to pay the bills.


Anonymous said...

Watching the Oscars gave me a similar reaction ... i just want my life to be extraordinary. Why did I HAVE to choose what I wanted to do at 16 or 17, especially 9/10's of any career path known to man can't be realistically pursued in Adelaide.( the town where the most basic marketing job is harder to find than your virginity.) I just want to have an extraordinary life you know???

Anonymous said...

I agree! When we were at school, I didn't even know it was possible to do what we do. Everyone wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer, a nurse or an occupational therapist. How is it possible that they even knew about occupational therapy? Maybe all the options were there right in front of us but we didn't know where to start looking. I didn't even know myself at 16, let alone what I wanted or was even capable of doing!

Stewart's right though, it is NEVER too late...