Sunday, December 07, 2008

Today I

I woke up at 8:16 and then slept again til 10:33.
I had that feeling of possibly never being able to wake up because my eyes were so heavy.
I went for a run and the grass still had icicles on the blades.
I actually felt how beautiful the morning was; it was a perfect winter morning.
I spoke to Vic while I plucked my eyebrows and wondered if it was normal to get so much satisfaction from getting those little buggers out.
I ate muesli and wondered if eating it everyday for the past 3 years is perhaps excessive and obsessive when there are plenty of other breakfast choices.
I decided no, we all have to love something and muesli completes me (but only with yogurt).
I watched the only show I can dedicate myself to - Greys Anatomy is my commitment to crap but I may have to reconsider if Izzy keeps on behaving this way.
I sat and waited while one of my housemates offered me food. Andy gave in and gave me half of his bagel. I then spent a good 15 minutes thinking of the beauty of bagel, iceberg lettuce, crispy bacon and cream cheese.
I then ate Malteasers and immediately thought of Teresa, my official Malteaser supplier.
I asked Andy to teach me and KK how to juggle.
I sucked at juggling. KK was pretty good.
I was advised to have a break form juggling.
I went to tidy my room but then decided to write emails to people based on various life epiphanies I regularly have on Sunday nights.
I then spoke to Lisa.
I thought about sending my New York postcards.
I looked out of the window to a striking pink sunset over the neighbours chimneys.
I started writing this entry.
I tidied my room and actually vacuumed it. I even moved my bed and found Heroes season 1 under the bed from my old housemate.
I went downstairs to help Andy with fajita night. And by help, I mean watch.
I tried juggling again. KK is still better than me.
I ate the fajitas and some of KK's curry.
I helped plan next week's Sunday dinner. And by plan, I mean agree to watch.
I drank some wine and ate some random leftover biscuits for dessert.
I watched a movie with the boys.
I opened my bills from the past month.
I posted this entry.
I went to sleep in my 13.5 tog duvet (yes, I mean doona/quilt but I have to assimilate because I'm sick of being ridiculed).



Unknown said...

So you posted this entry AND then managed to continue writing two more sentences??

Mars said...

duvet; such a stupid, unnatural word.

Alex said...

You are! I can totally see that weekend taking place (like so many others before it). Am very glad to hear that your food stealing habits have not changed. :P

Unknown said...

duvet is a stupid word.

I learnt that from Fight Club.