Monday, January 14, 2008

Greatness update

Breakfast: yoghurt and museli (duh, would I have anything else?)

Mid morning snack: boring, not worth writing about

Lunch: smoothie, soup (important lesson learned: 3 cans for 70p = GROSS), toast with honey, muller rice - apple flavour (best rice pudding creation ever), rice cakes, apple

Afternoon snack: too busy presenting work. Yes, I am very, very important. Actually, while I am talking about my importance I'd like to highlight my lack of volume control while talking due to blocked ears as well as sounding like a man. A nasally man. Like I said, important high flyer. Ok, I know I didn't say high flyer before but that's because I only just thought of it then.

Dinner: miso soup, hommus and bean dip with various items from the fridge, oatcakes with honey, yoghurt with honey, some Italian biscuit thing dipped in honey, more oatcakes.

I went a little crazy tonight because I found Aussie honey at the supermarket.

I need a signature dish NOW so I can at least add it in the mix of dairy, honey and oatcakes in my diet.


Anonymous said...

Why am I thinking about this sooooo much?.....Maybe your signiture dish can be a combination of things you love. A guy at Jon's work does figs grilled with blue vain cheese in them. OK not for everyone but its his thing. Anyone for Malteser oatcakes and honey dumplings??

Anonymous said...

I am following this signature dish saga with a great deal of anticipation...

I made the mistake of making my signature dish thai beef salad.. great meal but rubbish in London because:
a) good beef is expensive
b) it is served cold so it doesn't really work on a cold english evening.

I am now of the opinion that one's signature dish should comprise slightly exotic, yet easily obtainable ingredients (eg. ginger/coriander)and should be a hot meal.

For your every day repertoire, all you need is a signature ingredient or combination of ingredients. In the case of spag bol, mine is brown sugar and lots of garlic.

Then, in a communal cooking situation, you can say (loudly) "You know what this spag bol needs?... (dramatic pause)... insert signature ingredient here"... hey presto.. instant RESPECT.

Anonymous said...

Now your quest seems to be multi faceted. Do you want to have something you make from scratch that people are in awe of or do you want to live in a crazy world where sumac/perri perri/lemon grass myrtle can save others average efforts from themselves. Because really then thats just a first aid kit with strange spices in it. And that calls for a

Wood said...

Because it's extremely important. Anything to do with my stomach should be immediately filed under 'high priority'.

I really like that combination idea. I especially like that you brought to my attention my love of dumplings. Ah dumplings.

Secondly, brown sugar in spag bol. I like. I wish I had thought/stolen that off someone. Ugh.

Tp - I want to live in all the afore mentioned worlds.

Anonymous said...

I too want you to live in that world, I want to help you get there but only from Adelaide. I am sad beef is so expensive, sad there is no closure and sad this makes me think so much.
So all I will end this discussion with the 'vibe'. Greatness, first aid spice kit, a super heroes costume. It will come.