Sunday, July 02, 2006


Hi all

Finallz out of the Eastern European countries and have found it much much easier to find the internet. Sorrz for the mix in z and y thez are the wrong waz around and its too hard to correct each time I tzpe.

Since mz last update I have been to Slovenia and Czech Republic. Both countries were fantastic. I'm pretty sure I have mentioned this in other posts but no words or photos can describe what I have seen and every time I try it just seems so inadequate.

Czech Republic was reallz reallz cool. The view over the river was absolutely enchanting. The red rooftops mixed with church steeples was so beautiful.

Today we arrived in Berlin. From what I have seen it is a very very cool place. It has a really arty feel to it, verz much like Melbourne. I am looking forward to going on a 3rd Reich tour tomorrow morning follwed by a bit of exploring of the city.

As I keep on saying I am having the most amazing time over here. My trip so far has been everything I expected and then some. It's going way too quickly!!!

Ohh, just to get away from my touchy feely I love the world mode, I have been eating so well. I can't remember if I mentioned this in my Croatia post, but I ate roasted pig off the side of the road, followed by the best stew in Slovenia, follwed by the BEST MEAL EVER in Czech!!! I had chicken with peaches, cheese and roast potatoes as well as deep fried camembert. Plus I had beef goulash for lunch that day too. Zes, my pants are getting tighter. I can officially say I am eating my way through Europe.

Better go as I really need to go to bed. I haven't been eating till 1030 every night as I have no concept of time, nor do I need to which is great. In the czech republic we stazed in an old mental hospital (well that was the rumour anzway) which was 1. creepy and 2. noisy so the whole sleeping thing wasn't that great.

I probably wont post again until my tour is over which will be in a couple of days time. Last stop is Amsterdam which I am sure will be fun.

Hope you are all well and send me some news!!

Bye xx

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