Monday, May 03, 2010

I bought an iron

I know.

I know.

Frankly, I feel a little disappointed in myself. I mean, I've gone four whole years without ironing. Four. I've hung clothes in the bathroom while I've showered (doesn't work as well as you think), I've shook things, I've even tried sitting on my clothes - pulling them to make them straight (this doesn't work either).

I guess on the other hand, it's a turning point in my maturity. People who are 28 on the cusp of 29 should really iron their clothes, right?



jane said...

No need to feel disappointed, I say. I use my ironing board as a side-table. I've done so for long enough now that I can't really start using it for ironing because I really kind of need its table functionality.

I actually think the shower thing works quite well sometimes...but I suspect my standards are fairly-to-very low.

Anonymous said...

It depends on how attached you are to natural fibres. I haven't ironed a work shirt in years. You do need to be close by when the machine finishes its cycle though - leave them in for any longer than ten minutes and they're irreparably creased – which then dictates another wash cycle.

:) Frank