Sunday, March 22, 2009

Old habits die slowly

I grew up a flat sheet girl.

So, as I contemplate buying my second set of sheets (I know. Commitment to the max), I'm wondering whether I should take the plunge and skip the whole flat sheet thing. I'm mean, it's not as if I do hotel corners when I make my bed. What am I saying? I haven't made my bed in the morning since the early 90's let alone do any fancy folding.

I guess I feel like it's a bit of a grown up thing not having a flat sheet. It's kind of like when I have ice cream for dinner or before my 'real' dinner if I'm feeling really crazy. It's sadly satisfying and makes me feel like I'm defying the rules of my childhood. Wait, it's bigger than that, I'm rebelling against societies rules! I squash rules with a spoon.

When I think about it, which is perhaps too much, it's a little sad knowing I might not have a flat sheet anymore. It reminds me of my childhood, of my mum tucking me in and it's really handy in the morning when you have a bright room. I know it's completely ridiculous and I've spent way too much of my time and Skinner's time discussing this, but it feels like it represents something more than an added layer between me and my duvet(UK readers)/doona (OZ) - like what I did there? It's like the one last thing of my childhood will go when I get rid of it.

Again, I'd like to reiterate that I know this post is ridiculous. Perhaps I should have a little think about how and what I'd like people to think of me being pressing 'publish post'. Hmmmm......

Back to my woes:

I tried the whole duvet only thing last week. It was mostly out of laziness because my sheet had ended up on the floor and I couldn't be bothered pulling it up. It was ok. My legs felt joyously free, but I felt a lack of security that only a Doberman or a flat sheet can bring.

I decided to go ahead with this mature move in the bedding department today. Strange foresight that usually never appears when I need it to came over me and I looked online to see if the cover I wanted was in stock before going all the way to the shop. It was not. So now I am still a flat sheet girl in a one set world.


Unknown said...

Ok, not only is this post ridiculous... but it's also been educational. I for one, did not know you called it a 'flat sheet' I just thought it was a sheet, obviously that explains why people have always looked strangely at me whenever I've raised bedding in conversation.

Secondly I was entertained with this particular entry because I have never contemplated the loss of sheet. I love my sheet. Why just the other day I did that thing where you crawl down to the end of the bed (where it's all tucked in) and you are kinda trapped in a cave... except now that I am older it doesn't see either A) as far or B) as scary. Though it's still weirdly hot at the other end and my legs now hang out the top.

Do you REALLY want to loose the cave at the foot of the bed V2? Is that what the world is coming to? Is it??

Unknown said...

SEEM... not see... (stoopid typo)

Anonymous said...

Why, whywhywhywhywhy would you not make your bed the most awesome thing in your life? I make mine every day. I change the sheets way too much and I have the nicest bedding. Why? Because when I am dealing with people at work whom I lovingly refer to as I farcktards (I am sorry for my language V's mum)I like to think about how lovely it will be at home and more importantly in bed. Snug in. Nice and clean. Ready for Sleepy Land. Bed used to be such a challenge as a kid. It is one of the few things we crave in our crazy hectic adult working lives. GET THE OTHER SHEET!!!!!!!!!