Thursday, May 15, 2008

Judgement Day

I know it's wrong to judge. Wait, no, I take that back. Because is it actually wrong to judge? We all do it. Anyone who says they don't is lying. So why are we taught that we shouldn't? Surely it's just another branch of expressing or formulating an opinion. It's wrong to look down on others. Agreed. But if judging is making a call on whether something is right or wrong, then I think it's ok.

So all this has stemmed from a good old work night out. Booze. Workplace flirting. I don't know, boredom maybe - it's not a good mix. And I'm talking about those people 'in relationships'. I'm the first to admit that you never know what goes on behind closed doors, but why are people so fucking stupid? Why would you purposely hurt someone you supposedly love for a bit of booty? Do people not care? God, it irks me and in this judgment call, I completely look down on them. It makes me disappointed in people and puts another dent in my already skeptical ray of hope when it comes to faithfulness, trust and respect in a relationship. Of course not everyone is like this. I realise that, but ugh, enough of it goes on not to make you want to judge. Or is it just me?

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