Monday, February 19, 2007

Lid or no lid?

Let me set the scene. You walk into a toilet cubicle. You have one foot in the door when you realise that the toilet seat is down. Do you:

A) Leave immediately and go to the next stall hoping for an open lid
B) Take a chance and close the door

I am an A) person. I am afraid of what lies beneath the lid. Even if I am not in a public situation and there is only one choice, I still detest the lid. I hate touching it and I definitely hate nasty surprises underneath.

Why is the lid even there? For what purpose does it serve? It's only an impediment. Ban the lid.

1 comment:

Kylie G said...

Hi Vanessa,
Have a great trip! I'm just reading through your blog, I'm a little behind.
My take on the lid is this: if I didn't close the lid on my toilet, my toothbrush would repeatedly meet an unfortunate fate. I'm clumsy. The loo is very close to the sink.
In the public situation, however, I have never, ever, considered the lid. Now I will fear it. Thanks for that.